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If You're New to Woodworking, What are the Top 5 Power Tools You Need?

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Congratulations, you've just taken up a new hobby and are looking forward to many a pleasurable hour as you learn the skill of woodworking. You should make sure that you have the right equipment, however, and there are some power tools that you need to pick up to get started. What do you need to consider, especially if you're working with a fixed budget?

Circular Saw

The circular saw can be used in many different situations. Also, it can double as a table saw using an attachment that usually comes with these devices, called an edger. This allows you to clamp the device to a table and cut plywood or fibreboard sheets.

Power Drill

Every novice woodworker needs a power drill. Look for a good corded variety, rather than picking a cordless one. You might think that these are more portable and therefore flexible, but the corded variety tends to be the more versatile one and more powerful, to say nothing of being a little less costly as well.

Jig Saw

You will probably want to cut corners or circular patterns into your work, so you should pick up a good all-round jig saw. The orbital version is much easier to manoeuvre and you should do some research to find out which model has the least tricky blade changing system, as this can be an issue.

Random Orbital Sander

A random orbital sander helps you to prepare surfaces. This specific version is less costly than the conventional powered sander. Its random motion means that it is less likely to leave any work marks on your wood stock. Look for a popular model, so that you are always likely to find replacement stocks of sanding discs without having to chase around.

Table Saw

Even though your circular saw will double as a table saw, use the budget left over to get a table saw specifically. You'll find that you have to do less preparatory work changing your tools back and forth if you do so. Get one that is heavyweight, has a sturdy handle, has an attachment that can move the blade angle to your chosen position and doesn't vibrate excessively. Note that models with lower horsepower tend to be less efficient when you are making significant cuts into harder woods. Furthermore, if you buy one that has a paddle switch you can activate with your knee, this is going to enable you to concentrate your hands where they matter most, working on the material.
